Keeling The Earth

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Not the way to do it:

Lies, damn lies, and statistics...

Generally a fair way of looking at the cursed things. However, sometimes you just cannot ignore them, when the source is reliable and the results are backed up independently.

According to the Global Carbon Project, emissions that were - up until the year 2000 - rising by less than 1% per year, are now rising by 2.5% per year.

From the CSIRO website:

According to the co-Chair of the Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research scientist Dr Mike Raupach, 7.9 billion tonnes of carbon were emitted into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide in 2005 and the rate of increase is accelerating.

The finding backed up the bulletin (#762) released by the World Meteorological Organization on 3rd November 2006, indicating that "In 2005, globally averaged concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere reached their highest levels ever recorded" and that the rate of increase was rising.

“Recent emissions seem to be near the high end of the fossil fuel use scenarios used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On our current path, it will be difficult to rein-in carbon emissions enough to stabilise the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration at 450 ppm.”
Dr Mike Raupach

And this is on the back of the warnings in the Stern report. Whichever way I look at it, the word "doomed" springs to mind.


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