Keeling The Earth

Friday, November 10, 2006

UNFCCC: Climate Change Conference in Nairobi:

Another month, another conference...

This gathering of the Kyoto enrolees will involve the discussion of new emission targets. This will undoubtedly amount to nothing if the US are involved in any way, shape, or form.

However, after looking at the less-than-informative coverage on the UNFCCC web-site, I did find a link to yet another UN group - The UN Environmental Programme (UNEP).

Now, much as I'm not a great believer in the abilities of the UN - any assembly comprised largely of politicians for that matter - to do anything constructive, the billion tree idea does rather appeal. The plan is to encourage individuals and companies to plant or sponsor the planting of trees - the aim being to plant a billion trees worldwide in 2007.

The official website is here. And you can pledge your intention to plant by going here.


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