Keeling The Earth

Monday, November 20, 2006

And, in the end...:

The Nairobi Climate meeting has come to an end. I'm currently reading through the 5th article, trying to establish what they've actually agreed to do... apart from arrange another little get-together in Bali in 2007. Perhaps they'll go for Disneyland in 2008. It's a tough life being an environment minister afterall.

So, what have they agreed to do?

Well, hold onto your hats, the 70-odd environment ministers have agreed to talk about making further Kyoto Protocol emission cuts...

... But not until 2008.

... With no target date for actually making to a decision.

... Despite admitting that emissions need to fall by 50%. Now.

... And bear in mind that the world's biggest polluter, the good ol' US of A, has yet to sign up to the first Kyoto Protocol.

There were a few other decisions that appear to be even less helpful than the above. Which, in itself, is quite an achievement. Doesn't it just fill you with a warm glow? Well, eventually it will when we all get incinerated by spiralling temperatures.


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