Keeling The Earth

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Back to Mexico:

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Call for action on climate change:

The Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development - easy name to remember and the acronym doesn't help - was created by the UK when it held the presidency of the G8 in 2005.

It is starting in the right way - the opening soundbite sourced from the British government scientist and former World Bank chief economist, Nicholas Stern, is encouraging:

It is imperative we take action to prevent further climate change because the economic costs - never mind the human costs and the costs to the environment - will far outweigh the costs of mitigation."

I'm also delighted to see the number of participating countries and their importance in terms of generated pollution. However, this is tempered by the events in Kyoto, where the US - the world's biggest polluter - refused to ratify the agreement.


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